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Adam Allen: "I just have to say WOW!!! I'm so glad that you guys have developed something that is so useful for MySql. I am able to graphically view my tables, and I don't even have to think about my queries because I can visually design them. I just stumbled upon this, and I'm already very excited about it".
Simon Greener: "A lot of work went in to designing our application database. PHP Generator allowed us to build a fully functional, professional looking, and functionally powerful web application from that database. It has freed us from worrying about low level code, enabling us to focus on the business requirements of the customer. The support provided is excellent with staff quickly producing answers to questions ranging from newbie to simple or complex. I highly recommend the product".


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SQL Maestro Group / Purchase / Cross-selling discounts

How to get a cross-selling discount?

1 Choose a product or bundle from the list below, click Order Now to open the corresponding purchase page.

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Picture 1. Open the purchase page

2 Turn ON the solutions you want to purchase for the discounted price under the Receive a discount of up to 40% on the following products label, then click Update.

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Picture 2. Select the products

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