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SQLite PHP Generator online Help

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Hard-coded authorization

On using this kind of authorization all user accounts are stored in generated .php files. As any operation related to the user management requires re-generation and re-uploading of the application, it is not recommended to use this kind of authorization for real websites except the simplest ones.


To create the administrator user, fill in the Administrator login and Administrator password fields. Check the Enable guest access option to allow an anonymous user to access the generated app without completing the authentication procedure. Turn ON the Enable MD5 password encryption checkbox to store user passwords encrypted with the MD5 algorithm (recommended).



To manage additional users, click the Edit additional users button, then use Add/Edit/Remove buttons or the user grid's popup menu.



When creating/editing a user, provide its user name and password and check the necessary options to grant application-level permissions to this user. To learn how to specify page-level permissions, see the User permissions section.


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