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Marco De Luca: "I can handle now both version of SQLite Databases, 2.x and 3.x. Your SQLite PHP Generator is among the best tools I have seen".
Johnson Sieu: "Your PHP Generator is the BEST that I have used so far. It is affordable and user-friendly. Congratulation for coming up with such a fine product. I will not hesitate to introduce it to my peers".


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SQLite PHP Generator online Help

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Project Options

SQLite PHP Generator allows you to specify default settings to be applied to each generated webpage. By default, most of these options have the same values as the application options. To open this dialog window, follow the Setup project options to configure default page settings link at the Page Managememt wizard step


All settings are grouped into several tabs:



This tab group allows you to define default settings for all pages of the website including page appearance, operations to be available, exporting and printing options, and so on. By default these settings are set in accordance with the Application options.


Display formats

These tab fields allow to adjust the display data formats in the way you need. By default these settings are set in accordance with the Application options.


Shared options

This tab allows you to specify options that are applied for a whole website (i.e. shared between all pages).



This tab allows you to specify application-level events.



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