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Ephraim Stevens : "I just wanted to re-iterate what a wonderful job your developers have done and what a wonderful product SQLite Maestro is. There are so many great things to say about it that I won't go into here. It saves an end user a lot of time on repetitive tasks. Keep up the excellent work over there".
Mario Figueiredo: "I can safely forget all I know about SQL when using SQLite Maestro. It is that easy and intuitive to use. It is also nicely drawn with an easy and appealing interface that makes the sometimes boring tasks of database maintenance and administration more endurable.
The decision to support the non-commercial use of your software with a lower price is absolutely worth mentioning. For that alone, I thank you. For everything else, I say keep up the good work".


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Query Builder

Below you will find a detailed decryption of the following Query Builder options.



Select condition row

Displays the selected condition in different row on the Criteria and Grouping Criteria tabs of Visual Query Builder.


 Drag field name

Displays the dragged field name in the Builder area.


 Hide selection when inactive

Hides the selection when the query builder is inactive.


 Show field types

Displays the field type next to the field in the table box.


Visible tabs

These options specify which the query builder tabs are available and which are not. Check them to make the appropriate tabs visible.


Script format

These options specify the case formatting of keywords and functions in query text on the Edit tab. As is saves the original case, Uppercase sets all the keywords/functions to upper case, Lowercase sets all the keywords/functions to lower case, and First upper sets the first letters of all keywords/functions to upper case.



These options specify how different the Query Builder objects look like - 3D, flat, etc.

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