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Gianmarco Brundo: "I have purchased SQLite Mestro and SQLite Data Wizard, your products are very good".
Mark Worsnop: "By the way I wanted to say thank you for a good software package. It's a pleasure to work with Maestro as it "just works" and makes my job that much easier".
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SQLite Maestro online Help
Object Manager
Below you will find a detailed decryption of the following Object Manager options.

Default view mode
Defines which view mode (large icons, small icons, list or report) is applied to Object Manager by default.
 Company news 
May 5, 2021
New version introduces new database encryption algorithms, support for generated columns, support for renaming and dropping columns using ALTER TABLE statement, and some other enhancements.
Nov 14, 2016
New version introduces support for FTS5 extension and expression-based indexes, new encryption algorithms in data grids, updated data export and data import tools, and some other useful things.
Jan 12, 2015
New version comes with support of user authentication and management, read-only database connections, colored tabs, and some other new features.
 Feature of the day
You can make a copy of a database object by dragging it from one database to another in SQLite Maestro.
Two modes of viewing data are available in SQLite Maestro: as a grid and as info cards.