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Ron D.: "I'm still very happy with SQLite Maestro and Data Wizard; makes my HTPC database much easier to manage".
Mario Figueiredo: "I can safely forget all I know about SQL when using SQLite Maestro. It is that easy and intuitive to use. It is also nicely drawn with an easy and appealing interface that makes the sometimes boring tasks of database maintenance and administration more endurable.
The decision to support the non-commercial use of your software with a lower price is absolutely worth mentioning. For that alone, I thank you. For everything else, I say keep up the good work".


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Selecting fields

The first wizard step allows you to specify the table name as it will be included in the result script.


You can also select the fields to be included in the result INSERT statement. All the table fields are included into the Selected fields list by default. If you do not want some fields to be exported, move them back to the Available fields list. Text, GUID, Date, Time, and DateTime columns are included in the result INSERT statements according to the Storage Options of the Database Profile.


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