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Johnattan Badden, Manager: "The software is easy to work with and most importantly, report management is extremely easy, even for a novice like me! I am able to create and edit my databases with a few clicks and easily maintain them afterwards. I highly recommend SQLite Maestro to educational institutions: it's easy and flexible, it is exactly what can be good for using in schools and colleges".
Jacob Lyohne, Director of Development: "Regarding implementation, it is pretty self-explanatory and the SQLite Maestro manual is helpful for review and reference. We also found the on-line documentation useful and the software support staff readily available to answer our questions. Reports are very easy and quick to run and can be broken down into any number of statistical combinations".


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Create Trigger Wizard

Create Trigger Wizard guides you through the process of creating of a new table trigger.

The basic principles of Create Object Wizards in SQLite Maestro are covered by the corresponding topic. See below to find the description of wizard steps that are unique to the current object.


Specifying trigger properties


To define a new trigger, you need to set itsType (Before, After). This option determines whether the function is called before or after the event.



One of Insert, Update, or Delete; this specifies the event that will fire the trigger.


Field list

This is available when Update of option is selected in Event select. You can specify which fields are to be updated to cause the trigger being fired.


When expression

If you supply when expression, the SQL statements specified as trigger steps are only executed for those rows for which the WHEN clause is true. If no WHEN clause is supplied, the SQL statements are executed for all rows.


Specifying trigger definition

Here you can specify the trigger definition. Specify the trigger steps to be executed when the trigger fires. Trigger steps can be SQL statements (update, select, insert, or delete).  The step is optional: you can do it later using a non-modal editor.





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