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Jacob Lyohne, Director of Development: "Regarding implementation, it is pretty self-explanatory and the SQLite Maestro manual is helpful for review and reference. We also found the on-line documentation useful and the software support staff readily available to answer our questions. Reports are very easy and quick to run and can be broken down into any number of statistical combinations".
Ephraim Stevens : "I just wanted to re-iterate what a wonderful job your developers have done and what a wonderful product SQLite Maestro is. There are so many great things to say about it that I won't go into here. It saves an end user a lot of time on repetitive tasks. Keep up the excellent work over there".


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Switching between windows

The Window List dialog allows you to switch the child application windows quickly. To open the dialog select the Windows | Window List... item of the main menu or use the Alt+0 hot keys combination.

Most of the windows are linked according to their active databases and displayed in the form of a tree, e.g. Table Editor, SQL Editor, Diagram Viewer, etc. Windows which are common for the entire program are shown as separate nodes of the tree.


To activate the window you need, select one of the window tree items and click the OK button.

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