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Roger Brown: "Great product. The more I work with it, the more I am amazed at what it can do".
John Gondek: "Your software is amazing. I consider myself a novice at PHP and JS and with your software I have a web page that is truly fantastic. Thank you so much
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PostgreSQL PHP Generator online Help
class PageList
PageList is a class that encapsulates the application menu. An instance of this class is passed to the OnCustomizePageList event.
The following methods of the PageList class might be useful for application developers:
Company news
Sep 20, 2023
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 16 compatibility.
Oct 18, 2022
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 15 compatibility.
Aug 23, 2022
New version introduces toggles, one- and two-dimensional barcodes, enhanced lookups sort order, changing page data sources, PHP 8.1 support, editor hints, and other useful things.
The article shows how to implement an AJAX-based one-click editor for a logical column.
This article begins a series of step-by-step tutorials on how we made the NBA demo. It explains how to add new items to the menu, implement run-time theme selection, and tweak the login form.
The article illustrates how to use various chart libraries with PHP Generator.
Feature of the day
PHP Generator allows you to protect the result script with a lot of security settings.
PHP Generator allows you to set the fragments of PHP code to be executed before or after a record was added, edited, deleted, etc.