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Table columns and composite type fields are created and edited within the Field Editor. The information below are useful for editing of table fields. Composite types' fields admit to editing the comment only.



To add a new table column, you should either:


open the table in Table Editor and the Fields tab there;
press the Insert key or select the Add New Field... item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar)


select the table in the explorer tree and use the Create New Field popup menu item


select the table Fields node or any field within the table in the explorer tree and use the Add New Field... popup menu item.




Table fields are edited within the Field Editor dialog window. In order to open the dialog you should either


open the table in Table Editor and the Fields tab there;
press the Enter key or select the Edit Field item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar)


select the field to edit in the explorer tree and use the Edit Field popup menu item.


You can change the name of the field using the Rename Field dialog. To open the dialog you should either


select the field to rename in the explorer tree;
select the Rename Field item from the popup menu


open the table in Table Editor and the Fields tab there;
select the field to rename;
select the Rename Field item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar).




To drop the table field:


select the field to drop in the explorer tree;
select the Drop Field item from the popup menu


open the table in Table Editor and the Fields tab there;
press the Delete key or select the Drop Field item from the popup menu (alternatively, you may use the corresponding link of the Navigation Bar)


and confirm dropping in the dialog window.




To specify the Data Type, select it from the drop-down list.


Note: the name of the object must be unique among all the object names in the table. You can use any identifier that is allowed by PostgreSQL server.



Use the Size edit box to define the length of the field value for integer, float, char and other data types and use Precision to define the precision of the field value, e.g. for float data type.


Check the Unlimited Size option to remove value limitations for VarChar, Timestamp, TimestampTZ, Interval, Time, TimeTZ, VarBit, Decimal data types.


Use the Array dimensions to set the dimension of data array.


Check the Use dimension option to set the dimension properties for field types with unnecessary dimension properties (e.g. integer, float, or timestamp types).


Field flags


Not Null

Forbids the NULL values for the field.


Primary Key

With this option checked the field becomes the only field with a primary key. If you check this field, you will not be able to set this attribute for any other field in the table. Hence if you want to create a compound primary key, do not check this field but create a primary key through the Indexes tab of Table Editor or the appropriate step of Create Table Wizard.


Identity (PostgreSQL 10+)

Indicates that the new column is an identity column. Click the "Identity options" link to customize the appropriate properties.


Collation (PostgreSQL 9.1+)

Specify a collation to the column to define the sort order and character classification behavior of column data. The collation must be of a collatable data type. If not specified, the column data type's default collation is used.


Default value

Within the box you can assign a default value for the field column. The action is optional. If the default value was specified during the new row created and no values is specified for some of the columns, the columns will be filled with their respective default values.


The Comment box allows you to set optional text describing the field.


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