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This event occurs after the page is completely loaded from the server. It allows you, for example, to add additional filters to the dataset.
function OnPageLoaded()
This method has no parameters. |
Example 1
The following code is used in our Schema Browser Demo to filter database objects belonging to the selected database:
Here applyDatasetFilter() is a function defined in the schema_browser_utils.php file as follows:
function applyDatasetFilter(Dataset $dataset) {
if (GetApplication()->IsGETValueSet('database'))
$value = GetApplication()->GetGETValue('database');
$value = ArrayUtils::GetArrayValueDef($_COOKIE, 'database');
if (StringUtils::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
$globalConnectionOptions = GetGlobalConnectionOptions();
$value = $globalConnectionOptions['database'];
if (!StringUtils::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
$dataset->AddFieldFilter('Database_name', new FieldFilter($value, '='));
setcookie('database', $value);
Example 2
The following code is used to filter countries by life expectancy:
// default values
$minLifeExpectancy = 40;
$maxLifeExpectancy = 90;
// checking values in the browser address line
if (GetApplication()->isGetValueSet('minLifeExpectancy') &&
GetApplication()->isGetValueSet('maxLifeExpectancy')) {
$minLifeExpectancy = GetApplication()->GetGETValue('minLifeExpectancy');
$maxLifeExpectancy = GetApplication()->GetGETValue('maxLifeExpectancy');
} // or (if not found) in the session
elseif (GetApplication()->IsSessionVariableSet('minLifeExpectancy') &&
GetApplication()->IsSessionVariableSet('maxLifeExpectancy')) {
$minLifeExpectancy = GetApplication()->GetSessionVariable('minLifeExpectancy');
$maxLifeExpectancy = GetApplication()->GetSessionVariable('maxLifeExpectancy');
// applying filter to the dataset
"life_expectancy >= {$minLifeExpectancy} ".
"AND life_expectancy <= {$maxLifeExpectancy}");
// saving calculated values to the session
GetApplication()->SetSessionVariable('minLifeExpectancy', $minLifeExpectancy);
GetApplication()->SetSessionVariable('maxLifeExpectancy', $maxLifeExpectancy);
See also: OnPreparePage.
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