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Qian Dong: "Although I evaluated Oracle Maestro for only a couple of days, I must say I like what I saw in this product. I am going to place an order for this product.

Thank you for the good work".
Laurits Sogaard Nielsen: "Oracle Maestro (and also MS SQL Maestro) are the perfect substitutes for TOAD and in some ways also much better products (they are much cheaper, and the support is fast and easy). I'm looking forward to getting much more experience with both products, that already now have proven themselves to be fantastic".


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Database Tools

Oracle Maestro provides a number of powerful tools for working with databases.


The following tools are available:


Creates and executes SQL queries.


Builds queries visually.


Executes SQL scripts to the database.


Allows to edit and execute SQL scripts.


Generates the database HTML or PDF report for structure of selected object in a whole or partially.


Displays a content of BLOB fields in different representations.


Represents data from a table or a query as a diagram in various ways.


Allows to slice and dice information efficiently according your business rules.


Prepares data for reading, viewing, and printing in a polished look.


Allows to represent database tables and relationships as ER diagrams.


An excellent tool to debug PL/SQL code such as procedures and functions (both stand-alone and packaged) using traditional debugging features.


A very useful feature for DBAs to monitor the users' activity.


Allows you to choose export mode (database, schemas, tablespaces or tables), select objects to export and specify a lot of additional options to get the database dump according to your needs.


Provides you with a set of simple SQL statements.


Simple tools for DML procedures and Updatable views generation allow to create a bunch of CRUD procedures automatically.

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