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Gabriela Arsene: "MySQL PHP Generator is really excellent! A very useful, easy to use tool and above all it is free, saving a lot of time and money to a developer! Great job! Congratulations to all the people who work at this project".
Lucian Nedescu: "Thank you very much. Have a nice century (this is a real wish :P). I think that i will do a great job on my clients database with the new php interface. Thank You again".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / MySQL / PHP Generator for MySQL / News / New PHP Generator Demo Application is uploaded

A new PHP Generator demo is uploaded

Dec 12, 2014

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New demo application allows you to investigate the structure of your MySQL database i.e. browse tables, views, procedures, indexes, etc. It should not be considered as a replacement of a complete MySQL management tool like SQL Maestro for MySQL or phpMyAdmin, but it can help you to quickly understand which schema objects the database contains and, what could be more important shows that PHP Generator is suitable for building almost any database-driven web application.

The demo illustrates such PHP Generator features as custom queries, user-defined templates, event-driven content management, using third-party libraries, and so on. To run the demo on your webserver, you need to download and install PHP Generator for MySQL or higher.

Enter the demo site.

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