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Rickey Steinke: "Folks, I wanted to drop a line and give you a fanatic thank you. I have a project due for my computer application course and without PHP Generator I never would have gotten it done with the professional results your product produced. My sincerest gratitude to each and every team member who brought this program to light".
Peter Robinson: "As a tech savvy company director, I wanted an inexpensive web based database application to manage all aspects of my business. As with most humans I find developing purely by CLI very hard and do not have the will or time to invest in improving my skills. I was looking to find a nice human friendly GUI to design and build my application, which is when I came across PHP Generator for MySQL.

Whilst you still need a great understanding of logic and a small amount of programming ability to get the specific results you require, I am very happy with the speed of progress I have been making with this invaluable tool.

With all the standard libraries included, this product makes normal requirements such as JavaScript form validation, lookup selectors, on click events, auto complete, detailed searches, multiformat exports, rss feeds and username security straight forward and quick.

Having any changes made via the GUI written to the web server at the click of a button makes testing out ideas quick and easy without fear of breaking your application.

To conclude, I couldn't find any other product on the market that came close to offering the amount of options this does, and I do hope that more products like this come out in the future, with the hope of eventually eradicating the need to program all together".


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QR Code

PHP Generator for MySQL allows to represent string (CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, TEXT, ENUM, and SET) columns as QR codes, two-dimensional barcodes.



The size of generated QR-code depends of column values. Use the Size factor property to tune up QR codes size.


Make it possible to use QR codes as hyperlinks with the view control options.



Allows you to specify the alignment of the control. Possible values are Default, Left, Right, and Center.


Inline styles

Use this field to set formatting options to be used inside the style attribute of the element. For example, to set the font color and the background color for a control, place the following string to Inline styles:


color: red; background-color: yellow;


Custom attributes

This property allows you to add simple metadata to individual elements, largely for the purpose of providing information to make JavaScript functions easier. Such attributes can be later handled in client-side events. For example, to add several custom attributes to an editor, enter the following string into the Custom attributes edit box:


data-city="Boston" data-lang="js" data-food="Bacon"


It is recommended to prefix all custom attributes with data- to keep the result document compatible with the HTML5 requirements.


Null label

This property allows you to define how NULL values are represented for this column. By default the value of this property corresponds to the one defined at the project level. You can specify a custom value for a certain column (for example, "Not selected", "Not available" "Not supported", etc.) if necessary.

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