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Style sheets internals

Style sheets structure

PHP Generator's style sheets are made with LESS, a dynamic style sheet language that can be compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The choice of Less is motivated by such advantages of this language as variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that simplify the development of large style sheets.


All .less files are stored in the components/assets/less folder of the output directory. The main.less file references (directly or indirectly) all styles defined in other files and subdirectories of this folder as well as user-defined styles, which are stored in components/assets/less/user.less. Current color theme is defined in components/assets/less/theme.less. When you click "Generate" in PHP Generator for MySQL, the software automatically compiles main.less and saves the results to components/assets/css/main.css.


Manual compilation of LESS files

You might want to compile .less files manually. To do so, you will need to compile main.less using any .less compiler you like. For example, you can use dotless.Compiler (a command-line compiler that comes with PHP Generator and can be found in SQL Maestro Group\DotLess inside the Common Files directory) using the following command:


dotless.compiler.exe -r -m full/path/to/main.less


Visit dotless.Compiler wiki to find more info on using this tool.

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