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Grey: "We're a two-person company, it's just me an my wife. I'm the technical guru, and she handles the business operations. I have to know a lot about MySQL, but that's much too technical for her. I have frequently had to setup CGI scripts (I code in Perl) so she can manage some of our tables (suppliers, manufacturers, etc).

I discovered PHP Generator a couple of days ago, tried the free version,and within a few hours I had purchased the Pro version (as well as SQL Maestro for MySQL).

Today I am completing the conversion of the last of my custom table managers to PHP Generator. This is eliminating several thousand lines of code that I don't have to support any more!

Thanks for this fantastic product".

Rickey Steinke: "Folks, I wanted to drop a line and give you a fanatic thank you. I have a project due for my computer application course and without PHP Generator I never would have gotten it done with the professional results your product produced. My sincerest gratitude to each and every team member who brought this program to light".


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PHP Generator for MySQL online Help

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Header and Footer

To add an HTML markup to be displayed at the top and at the bottom of each page of the generated web application, enter the appropriate code in the Header and Footer text boxes accordingly.



Example: To add the header like one on the screen above, paste the following text in the Header edit box:


<span class="navbar-brand">


        <img src="mysql_logo.png" style="height: 44px; margin-top: -14px;">



<span class="navbar-brand">    

    <span class="hidden-xs"><strong>MySQL Schema Browser</strong></span>


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