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Charles Phillips: "I very much like the program and all of its functionality! Would be happy to give you an endorsement or recommend it to others - saves me a ton of time".
Ananda Theerthan J: "I have been looking for PHP generator for years and now I am happy that I found one. Yes, its the PHP generator for MySQL. I completely rate 10/10 for this product for making life easier. It has lot of features and capabilities especially the CRUD, lookups and data partitioning. I love this product and recommend to others".


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Color schemes

The color scheme of created application contains the information on basic style definitions for all key HTML components: fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, and others.  PHP Generator for MySQL comes with a number of built-in color schemes. To use one of them, select the appropriate item from the "Color scheme" drop-down list.


To change default scheme settings according to your needs, click the Customize color scheme button and modify the necessary variables within the opened window. To learn more about the LESS syntax used in this window, please refer to the LESS manual.



The Preview window displays current appearance settings applied to a sample webpage.

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