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Dave Lantz: "I have to say that I simple love this product and its ease of use. I know that I have only tapped into about 20% of what it can do. In my business I come into a lot of contact with developers and I tell them all, that if they need an easy way to connect, report or work their databases they MUST check out your products".
Peter Robinson: "As a tech savvy company director, I wanted an inexpensive web based database application to manage all aspects of my business. As with most humans I find developing purely by CLI very hard and do not have the will or time to invest in improving my skills. I was looking to find a nice human friendly GUI to design and build my application, which is when I came across PHP Generator for MySQL.

Whilst you still need a great understanding of logic and a small amount of programming ability to get the specific results you require, I am very happy with the speed of progress I have been making with this invaluable tool.

With all the standard libraries included, this product makes normal requirements such as JavaScript form validation, lookup selectors, on click events, auto complete, detailed searches, multiformat exports, rss feeds and username security straight forward and quick.

Having any changes made via the GUI written to the web server at the click of a button makes testing out ideas quick and easy without fear of breaking your application.

To conclude, I couldn't find any other product on the market that came close to offering the amount of options this does, and I do hope that more products like this come out in the future, with the hope of eventually eradicating the need to program all together".


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PHP Generator for MySQL online Help

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PHP Generator for MySQL allows you to visualize data on your website with feature-rich, responsive, customizable, and interactive charts.


Live examples

You can find a number of examples in the Charts group of the Feature Demo. Some more examples can be found at the Games, Players, and Teams page of the NBA Demo.


Key facts


1.Charts are based on the Google chart library.
2.Column, Bar, Pie, Line, Area, Geo, Candlestick, Histogram, Bubble, Stepped Area, Timeline, Gantt, Tree Map and Scatter charts are currently supported.
3.Charts can be placed in rows above the data grid or below the grid.
4.Each row can contain any number of charts.
5.Common properties for each chart can be set up directly in the software UI.
6.All other properties provided by the library can be customized with the OnPrepareChart event.
7.Charts are sensitive to the data grid i.e. if you apply a filter to the grid, charts will change accordingly.


Creating and editing charts


To add a new chart to a webpage or edit an existing one:


open the webpage editor;
go to the Charts tab;
Click Add... or Edit... to create a new chart or modify an existing chart accordingly;
define an SQL query to retrieve chart data;
setup common and advanced options of the chart.


You can hide/show a chart with the Visible checkbox.


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