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Philipp Gerber: "

The product is so easy and super built that you can achieve visible and great success after a short time. Also very much possible with the product. A class product. I'm already looking forward to the next versions and extensions. Keep it up.

Support to the product is just perfect. Each Support request is quickly and very competent solved. Also various assistance, which does not fall into a support, are also perfectly processed. There is a direct wire to the manufacturer / developer and this is notth. Thanks for the class Support".

Lucian Nedescu: "Thank you very much. Have a nice century (this is a real wish :P). I think that i will do a great job on my clients database with the new php interface. Thank You again".


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This event occurs when rendering a grid row and allows you to change the row and/or cell styles directly. It is an extremely useful event for conditional formatting such as changing font color, font styles, row background color, cell background color, etc. The specified styles and classes are applied to <tr> and <td> tags accordingly.



function OnExtendedCustomDrawRow ($rowData, &$rowCellStyles, &$rowStyles,

    &$rowClasses, &$cellClasses)




The associative array of values that corresponds to the currently processed row.


The associative array of styles. Each field name is associated with its style string.


Use this string to modify styles of a whole row.


Use this string to add a class to a whole row.


The associative array of cell classes.


This event (as well as the OnCustomDrawRow one) is used for conditional formatting. The only difference between these two events is that OnCustomDrawRow has a more understandable parameter list while OnExtendedCustomDrawRow provides more flexible abilities.


Example 1:

The code below is used in our online demo to display the winning team and the losing team scores according to the current theme.


if ($rowData['home_team_score'] > $rowData['away_team_score']) {

     $cellClasses['home_team_score'] = 'win-score';

     $cellClasses['away_team_score'] = 'loss-score';


else {

     $cellClasses['home_team_score'] = 'loss-score';

     $cellClasses['away_team_score'] = 'win-score';



The 'win-score' and 'loss-score' classes are defined in User-defined styles as follows:


.base-score {

  font-size: 1.4em;

  font-weight: bold;



.win-score {


  color: @brand-danger;



.loss-score {




The screenshot below demonstrates the result of the event fired on the Game list webpage in Cyborg Bootswatch theme for Bootstrap.



The next one shows the result of the event fired on this webpage in Facebook Bootswatch theme.




Example 2

The code below is used in our online demo to highlight fields representing player's height depending on the value.


$height = $rowData['height'];

if ($height > 200)

    $cellClass = 'tall';

elseif ($height > 185)

    $cellClass = 'medium-height';


    $cellClass = 'undersized';

$cellClasses ['height'] = $cellClass;


The 'undersized', 'medium-height', and 'tall' classes are defined in User Defined Styles as follows:


@height-color: @state-warning-bg;


.undersized {

  background-color: lighten(@height-color, 10%);



.medium-height {

  background-color: @height-color;



.tall {

  background-color: darken(@height-color, 10%);



The screenshot below demonstrates the result of the event fired on the Game list webpage in Journal Bootswatch theme for Bootstrap.



The next one shows the result of the event fired on this webpage in Superhero Bootswatch theme.


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