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Peter Robinson: "As a tech savvy company director, I wanted an inexpensive web based database application to manage all aspects of my business. As with most humans I find developing purely by CLI very hard and do not have the will or time to invest in improving my skills. I was looking to find a nice human friendly GUI to design and build my application, which is when I came across PHP Generator for MySQL.

Whilst you still need a great understanding of logic and a small amount of programming ability to get the specific results you require, I am very happy with the speed of progress I have been making with this invaluable tool.

With all the standard libraries included, this product makes normal requirements such as JavaScript form validation, lookup selectors, on click events, auto complete, detailed searches, multiformat exports, rss feeds and username security straight forward and quick.

Having any changes made via the GUI written to the web server at the click of a button makes testing out ideas quick and easy without fear of breaking your application.

To conclude, I couldn't find any other product on the market that came close to offering the amount of options this does, and I do hope that more products like this come out in the future, with the hope of eventually eradicating the need to program all together".

Jonathan Oakes: "This is a lovely application. It's easy to hook into my own bespoke applications. It's very powerful, yet really quite simple to use. Thanks for this".


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This event occurs when the Delete command is executed, and after the actual deletion.



function OnAfterDeleteRecord ($page, $rowData, $tableName,

       &$success, &$message, &$messageDisplayTime)




An instance of the Page class.


The associative array of values that corresponds to the currently processed row.


The name of processed table.


Indicates whether the last data manipulation statement was successful or not.


A message to be displayed to a user. If the statement completed successfully, the value of this parameter is equal to empty string. If the statement failed, the value of this parameter contains the error message that came from the database server.


A time interval (in seconds) after which the message will disappear automatically. Default value is 0 (the message will not disappear).


Success messages are displayed in green while error messages are displayed in red.


Example 1:

The following code shows the message about a success of the operation. The message will be hidden in 5 seconds:


if ($success) {

  $message = 'Record processed successfully.';


else {

  $message = '<p>Something wrong happened. ' .

    '<a class="alert-link" href="">' .

      'Contact developers</a> for more info.</p>';


$messageDisplayTime = 5;


Example 2:

The following code logs information about deleted records in a separate table:


if ($success) {

  $userId = $page->GetCurrentUserId();    

  $currentDateTime = SMDateTime::Now();

  $sql = 

    "INSERT INTO activity_log (table_name, action, user_id, log_time) " .

    "VALUES ('$tableName', 'DELETE', $userId, '$currentDateTime');";

  $page->GetConnection()->ExecSQL(sprintf($sql, $userId, $action, $currentDateTime));



See also: OnAfterUpdateRecord, OnAfterInsertRecord, OnBeforeDeleteRecord.

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