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David Lantz: "Thank you, this is by far the simplest, and most friendly utility for building db record system I have ever used. I wish I could get my systems guys at the office to purchase this for our company would be so very helpful and speed up a lot of work. I for one have used it for everything from a simple inventory record of my house, to a members record for my church just little pet projects and a test bed to test my own db builds and theories before having to hand code at the office..... it is a lot of fun to work with".
Dave Lantz: "I have to say that I simple love this product and its ease of use. I know that I have only tapped into about 20% of what it can do. In my business I come into a lot of contact with developers and I tell them all, that if they need an easy way to connect, report or work their databases they MUST check out your products".


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This event occurs before column rendering into Word, Excel, etc. and allows you to replace cell content. It is an extremely useful event for conditional rendering.



function OnCustomRenderExportColumn ($fieldName, $fieldData, $rowData,

    &$customText, &$handled)




The field name of currently processed cell.


The data of currently processed cell.


The associative array of values that corresponds to the currently processed row.


A string to replace the original cell content.


A parameter to indicate whether the event handler executed. Set $handled to true in the event handler to apply new content.


See also: OnCustomRenderColumn, OnCustomRenderPrintColumn

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