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This event occurs before submitting an edit form. It allows you to detect errors on the client before the form is submitted to the server to avoid the round trip of information necessary for server-side validation. Live example.
function OnEditFormValidate (fieldValues, errorInfo)
fieldValues |
An associative array of values containing user input. To access the value of the editor of the column_name column, use the field_values['column_name'] syntax. |
errorInfo |
The object that provides interface (the SetMessage method) to set a validation error message. |
Example 1:
The code below demonstrates the verification of the percent number on the record inserting.
if (fieldValues['percents'] < 0 || fieldValues['percents'] > 100)
errorInfo.SetMessage('Percent value should be between 0 and 100.');
return false;
Example 2:
The following code is used in the NBA demo project to ensure that home and away teams are different for an inserted game:
if (fieldValues['home_team_id'] == fieldValues['away_team_id'])
errorInfo.SetMessage('Home and away teams must be different');
return false;
See also: OnInsertFormValidate
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