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David Lantz: "Thank you, this is by far the simplest, and most friendly utility for building db record system I have ever used. I wish I could get my systems guys at the office to purchase this for our company would be so very helpful and speed up a lot of work. I for one have used it for everything from a simple inventory record of my house, to a members record for my church just little pet projects and a test bed to test my own db builds and theories before having to hand code at the office..... it is a lot of fun to work with".
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Mask edit

Use this control to define an edit box that limits the user to a specific format (dates, phone numbers, etc) and accepts only valid characters.



Max width

Use this property to restrict the maximum width of the editor (this means that in any screen resolution editor's width will be less or equal then the property value). Can be specified in any units supported by web browsers e.g. 300px, 25em, 50%, etc.



A mask is defined by a format made up of mask literals and mask definitions. Any character not in the definitions list below is considered a mask literal. Mask literals will be automatically entered for the user as they type and will not be able to be removed by the user. The following mask definitions are predefined:


       a - Represents an alpha character (A-Z,a-z)

       9 - Represents a numeric character (0-9)

       * - Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9)



To define an edit box for telephone numbers, specify the following string as the mask of the editor.



In this case the created data entry field accepts only numeric input and if a user then tries to enter a letter in this edit box, the application will not accept it.


Inline styles

Use this field to set formatting options to be used inside the style attribute of the element. For example, to set the font color and the background color for a control, place the following string to Inline styles:


color: red; background-color: yellow;


Custom attributes

This property allows you to add simple metadata to individual elements, largely for the purpose of providing information to make JavaScript functions easier. Such attributes can be later handled in client-side events. For example, to add several custom attributes to an editor, enter the following string into the Custom attributes edit box:


data-city="Boston" data-lang="js" data-food="Bacon"


It is recommended to prefix all custom attributes with data- to keep the result document compatible with the HTML5 requirements.

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