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Adam Allen: "I just have to say WOW!!! I'm so glad that you guys have developed something that is so useful for MySql. I am able to graphically view my tables, and I don't even have to think about my queries because I can visually design them. I just stumbled upon this, and I'm already very excited about it".
Kenneth Wagner: "SQL Maestro is a delight to use. It is easy to learn. Almost always intuitive and has a good help system. I would gladly recommend it to either a beginner or even an advanced user".


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Below you will find a detailed decryption of the following explorer options.


Show table subobjects

Shows/hides table subobjects (fields and indexes) in the explorer tree.


Sort profiles by aliases

Sorts profile aliases alphabetically in the explorer tree.


Expand the "Tables" node after connection

Shows all database tables in the explorer tree after connecting to the database.


Expand the "Queries" node after connection

Shows all database queries in the explorer tree after connecting to the database.


Display system objects in different color

Represents all system objects in selected color.


You can also exclude/include rarely used objects from/to the Explorer tree. Manage object groups to be displayed at Explorer with corresponding checkboxes.

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