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David Boccabella: "I have really!!!! enjoyed using SQL Maestro for MySQL over the past few months. It has become one of our major development tools for implementing intelligent into MySQL databases".
Renaud Lepage: "I was searching for a powerful server management as well as data management application, that could also have the ability to use stored procedures (MySQL5). I was using many separate apps. And then I stumbled upon this application. It just got better. With ease-of-use, powerful management, a very good level of customization, great MySQL server management and the very lushed graphical interface, MySQL Maestro is a product to consider seriously. I chose MySQL and this, to SQL Server 2000 and the MMC-integrated server management, for use in a programming course. I'm telling you, MySQL Maestro is a very powerful tool. Try it, you won't regret it".


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Setting common export options

Use this step to specify options to be applied to all exported data:


Select the number of records to be exported from each table: a fixed number or all records.


Specify actions to be executed after the export. To open the result files in the associated program (MS Excel, Notepad, default browser, etc), check the Open file box. To send the result files to the default printer, use the Print file checkbox.


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