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Fred Hildenbrand: "I have purchased MySQL Maestro and like it very much, it has made it much easier to deal with DBA maintenance and table replication as well as a quick way to create SQL statements with the graphical query tool. Good job on a fine product".
Adam Allen: "I just have to say WOW!!! I'm so glad that you guys have developed something that is so useful for MySql. I am able to graphically view my tables, and I don't even have to think about my queries because I can visually design them. I just stumbled upon this, and I'm already very excited about it".


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Partitioning (implemented in MySQL 5.1) allows you to distribute portions of individual tables across a filesystem according to rules which you can set largely as needed. In effect, different portions of a table are stored as separate tables in different locations. For more information about partitioning type see: Create Table Wizard.


The Partition Properties window orders to define all necessary options for the new partition such as partition Name, Comment, Value and Max Value for LESS THAN operator (Range partitions). You can also set here a comma-separated list of integers as Values of List partition.



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