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Renaud Lepage: "I was searching for a powerful server management as well as data management application, that could also have the ability to use stored procedures (MySQL5). I was using many separate apps. And then I stumbled upon this application. It just got better. With ease-of-use, powerful management, a very good level of customization, great MySQL server management and the very lushed graphical interface, MySQL Maestro is a product to consider seriously. I chose MySQL and this, to SQL Server 2000 and the MMC-integrated server management, for use in a programming course. I'm telling you, MySQL Maestro is a very powerful tool. Try it, you won't regret it".
Adam Allen: "I just have to say WOW!!! I'm so glad that you guys have developed something that is so useful for MySql. I am able to graphically view my tables, and I don't even have to think about my queries because I can visually design them. I just stumbled upon this, and I'm already very excited about it".


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Overview of Create Objects Wizards

Several steps of Create Object Wizards are common for all of them. This part purpose is the formulation of the basic principles for the Create Object Wizard organization.


On the first wizard step you need to specify the new object name.


On the second one you have to define all the object properties. To clear up the object properties meanings see the appropriate topic of the respective Create Object Wizard section.


Some objects has subitems (e.g. each table contains fields, indexes, procedures have parameters, etc). In this case the next step allows you to manage such subobjects of the object being created. We recommend you to store the following shortcuts in order to speed your work: the Ins key adds a new subobject, the Enter key displays the subobject's editor, and the Del key drops the subobject.


The next wizard step is final. It is provided to sum up the Create Object Wizard operation.


Note: There are some objects to have an additional Create Object Wizard steps. The detailed description of the steps you can find at the appropriate topic of the corresponding section.


See also:

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