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Database Explorer

Database Explorer allows you to accomplish all necessary operations upon databases and their objects. The Database Explorer field occupies the left side of Code Factory for MySQL main window. All the objects at the Explorer tree are grouped by kind and listed under the according MySQL servers node.
To start working with a database you need to create its profile first. The conception of database profiles gives you an opportunity to connect to databases in one touch and work with the selected databases only.
Note: In case your databases have a large quantity of objects you can speed up the object search by typing first letters of the object name in the explorer area.
Note: You can also customize the Explorer to hide/display table subobjects, represent system objects in different color, etc.
The sections below describe each of these actions in detail.
Operations upon database profiles in the Explorer Tree
Using popup menu of the Explorer area you can realize the following operations:
• | create new database profiles (the Create Database Profiles... item); |
• | edit currently selected database profile (the Edit Database Profile... item); |
• | remove currently selected database profile from the explorer tree (the Remove Database Profile item). |
In addition to these operations, Database Explorer gives you an ability to reorder existing profiles by performing drag-and-drop operations within the explorer tree.
How can I connect to a database?
You can establish connection to a database in Database Explorer by selecting the database profile and double-clicking it or pressing the Enter key (alternatively, you may use the Shift+Ctrl+C hot key combination). The same operation is also available through the Connect to Database item from the explorer popup menu, or through the Database | Connect to Database main menu item.
How can I disconnect from a database?
You can abort connection from a database in Database Explorer by selecting the database profile and pressing the Shift+Ctrl+D hot key combination. The same operation is also available through the Disconnect from Database item from the explorer popup menu, or through the Database | Disconnect from Database main menu item.
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