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Dave Lantz: "I have to say that I simple love this product and its ease of use. I know that I have only tapped into about 20% of what it can do. In my business I come into a lot of contact with developers and I tell them all, that if they need an easy way to connect, report or work their databases they MUST check out your products".
Prithwi Thakuria: "I have been in the database field for eons. This is one the best suite of tools I have found in terms of cost, functionality and performance. Ever since we bought this array of products, life with databases have been a breeze and the productivity has soared immensely. Keep up the good work".


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MySQL Tools Family

You are welcome to appreciate our MySQL Tools family, which contains the premier Windows GUI frontends for MySQL and MariaDB database management and development. Using our products you can create and edit database objects like tables or views, execute queries and SQL scripts, efficiently manage users and their privileges, import, export, backup, restore, compare and synchronize your data as well as generate feature rich PHP web applications for your database and transfer any database to your MySQL server with a few mouse clicks.

If you intend to use the advanced opportunities provided by MySQL and MariaDB such as highest performance and extensive web capabilities, our MySQL Tools are what you might need.