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Customizing diagram properties

Diagram Viewer provides a special control for customizing the diagram properties. This control is located in the Properties group of the Navigation Bar and consists of four separate subgroups:
Contains properties responsible for major diagram appearance:
• | Chart type - defines a way of how the diagram will be represented: as bars, lines, areas, points, pies, or fast lines |
• | Color each points - if checked, each bar, point, line or sector of the diagram has an individual color; if not checked, all the points are colored red |
• | Show axis - defines if the diagram has the axis and background grid or not |
Contains the Labels source property which allows you to specify the field for X-axis labels as well as for diagram point marks .
Contains properties for defining titles for different parts of the diagram:
• | Header - defines the title appeared on the top of the diagram |
• | X-axis and Y-axis - define the titles for diagram axis |
• | Show marks - defines if the diagram point marks are visible or not |
The only Visible property of this subgroup specifies whether the legend rectangle should be represented on the right side of the diagram or not.
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