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SQL Script Editor

Using SQL Script Editor you can view, edit and execute SQL scripts. To open SQL Script Editor select the Tools | SQL Script Editor main menu item.


SQL Script Editor is provided for large script execution. For this purpose the Execute selected only and Execute script from file were added. If a user opens a file larger than 100K, SQL Script Editor will suggest him to execute the script file without opening it in the editor.


Along with other MaxDB Maestro editors SQL Script Editor supports code folding. The feature allows you to organize long and complex groups of SQL statements by separating them into regions that can be individually collapsed or expanded, allowing you to easily focus on portions of the script of immediate interest. Regions can even be nested, and a handy button in the toolbar lets you hide or expand all regions with a single click.


SQL Script Editor supports SQL query syntax highlighting and code completion to prevent mistakes in syntax at once.



Note: SQL Script Editor does not view SELECT query results. Please use SQL Editor for that purpose instead.


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