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Andrew Rassel: "I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am with your administrative tools. I have been consistently receiving your support. I think you have wonderful products and I am highly satisfied with the results that I am getting".
Terry Prank: "At first, I was skeptical as is anyone encountering a new product on the web. I even tried out a couple of the competitors because I figured SQL Maestro Group sounded too good to be true. I soon learned the hard way, nothing I have seen on the market right now compares. Let the results speak. Within the first several hours of operation, I understood that the products are beyond comparison".
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MaxDB Data Wizard online Help
Data Import
Data Import wizard provides you with a graphical user interface to import data from the most popular files formats into existing MaxDB tables. It allows you to adjust data formats, empty target tables, execute custom SQL scripts, etc. To run the wizard, use the Run Data Import Wizard link at Home page.
The following formats are supported:
• | Microsoft Office Excel 95-2003 |
• | Microsoft Office Excel 2007 |
• | Microsoft Office Access 2007 |
• | Delimiter-separated values (CSV, DSV, TSV); |
• | Text files (Fixed-width columns) |
• | ODBC data source (any data source accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, Text files, MS Excel, etc). |
To import data,
See also: Templates
 Company news 
Feb 11, 2016
New version features two new wizards for unloading and loading BLOB data, updated Data Import tools, command-line builders for all the wizards as well as some other new features.
Dec 6, 2013
New version features updated Data Import and SQL Dump tools, data export to JSON format, redesigned Start Page, and some other useful things.
Feb 11, 2013
Features up-to-date list of ODBC drivers / OLE DB providers and appropriate connection strings AnySQL Maestro has been examined with.
 Feature of the day
MaxDB Data Wizard has an ability to schedule tasks for executing them (once or periodically) later.
MaxDB Data Wizard: Data Import allows you to import data from several sources in one attempt.