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Stephen Arrowel, Database Administrator: "We are in the process of implementing Firebird solutions at multiple levels in our international organization. We expect that SQL Maestro Group will do nothing short of revolutionize the way we develop and maintain our Firebird databases. The continuous improvement and development means that the product is extremely flexible and will grow with us. The service and responsiveness of the Support Team has been exceptional. They have devoted countless hours to understanding our needs, so that we could get a Firebird administration tool which would be so simple and effective in use. SQL Maestro Group is helping Sytrax sail into the 21st Century".
Brian Vivian: "Thank you very much for making such a great product. It makes my job a LOT easier".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / Firebird / News / PHP Generator released

PHP Generator released

Feb 12, 2021

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PHP Generator

SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce a release of PHP Generator, a GUI frontend that allows you to build high-quality and feature-rich data-driven web applications for your database in minutes. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

Please find below a detailed description of the most interesting features added in this version. Other new features, corrections, and fixes can be found in the Changelog.

New feature highlights:

  • All generated php code is now fully compatible with PHP 8.0.
  • CheckBox Group Editor can now load its stored and displayed values from the database (previous versions allowed only hard-coded values).
    CheckBox Group Editor propertiesPicture 1. CheckBox Group Editor properties
  • Inline View Forms. Now it is possible to display View form of a record right below it in the data grid.
    Inline mode optionPicture 2. Inline mode option
    The layout of inline View forms can be customized like any other form layout via OnGetCustomFormLayout event handler.
    Inline View form in actionPicture 3. Inline View form in action
  • On-the-Fly Adding of New Items to Multi-Choice Controls. Starting from this version it is possible to add new values to Multiple Select and CheckBox Group directly in the editors. This feature is useful when values of multi-choice controls are retrieved from a database and desired data is missing. To add a new item, press a plus button on the right of the Multiple Select editor or click the 'Insert item' link of CheckBox Group editor to create the item directly in the popup modal window.
    Multiple Select editor: On-the-Fly AddingPicture 4. Multiple Select editor: On-the-Fly Adding Checkbox Group editor: Insert item linkPicture 5. Checkbox Group editor: Insert item link

    To turn ON this feature, just enable the corresponding option and click the ellipsis button at the right to customize "on-the-fly" Insert form.

    Add new items on the fly settingsPicture 6. Add new items on the fly settings
  • Quick Filter has been upgraded. Now search terms are highlighted in popovers too.
    Quick filter's search term is highlighted in popoversPicture 7. Quick filter's search term is highlighted in popovers

For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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