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Carl Schammel: "I have been in search of a software product that was rich in features and easy for using, but was unable to find one until I came upon Firebird Maestro. Not only does it have all-inclusive integrated functionality, but SQL Maestro Group have provided me with superior support. I now have the management tools at my hand that I have been looking for".
Stephen Arrowel, Database Administrator: "We are in the process of implementing Firebird solutions at multiple levels in our international organization. We expect that SQL Maestro Group will do nothing short of revolutionize the way we develop and maintain our Firebird databases. The continuous improvement and development means that the product is extremely flexible and will grow with us. The service and responsiveness of the Support Team has been exceptional. They have devoted countless hours to understanding our needs, so that we could get a Firebird administration tool which would be so simple and effective in use. SQL Maestro Group is helping Sytrax sail into the 21st Century".


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SQL Maestro Group / Products / Firebird / News / Data Wizards 12.6 released

Data Wizards are updated to version 12.6

Jun 11, 2012

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Data Wizard 12.6, a toolset of powerful utilities for managing your data. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

New features:

  • The SQL Dump wizard has been implemented. This tool allows you to export the data from selected tables and views as a set of INSERT statements (both single-row and multi-row INSERTs are supported). It is also possible to generate the CREATE TABLE statements.
  • SQL Dump wizardPicture 1. SQL Dump wizard

  • Data Pump features:
    • User-defined data type mappings have been added. This feature allows you to specify which data types from the target database will correspond to the data types from the source one. For example, you can convert char to varchar, varchar to nvarchar or even varchar to int (of course data types should be compatible). It is also possible to specify size and precision for each mapped data type (if applicable).
    • Data type mappingsPicture 2. User-defined data type mappings

    • Starting from this version the software tries to recognize autoincrement columns in the source database and convert them in the best possible way.
    • A possibility of transferring data using bulk-loading commands has been added (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle). This feature can speed up the data importing up to 10 times so it is recommended to use it always if possible.
    • Data Pump transferring optionsPicture 3. Data Pump transferring options

    • It becomes possible to specify a connection timeout for the source database.
    • The source database tree is now loaded much faster.
  • Data Import features:
    • Starting from this version the software arranges target tables by dependencies, so the records are inserted in the correct order. It is also possible to reorder target tables manually if necessary.
    • From now on it is possible to import data from CSV files that contain multi-line strings.
    • A possibility of setting the correspondence between source and target columns by column name has been implemented (previous versions allow you to set such a correspondence only by column index).
    • Setting column correspondencePicture 4. Setting column correspondence

  • Other new features:
    • Data Export: Now it is possible to specify decimal and thousand separators for the generated files (when applicable).
    • Running from the command line all the tools now return the correct exit status (0 on success) that can be checked in batch files using the ERRORLEVEL variable.
    • The progress windows are redesigned in the modern style and become more informative.
    • Progress windowsPicture 5. Progress windows

    • Log files become more structured and detailed.

For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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