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Create Trigger Wizard

Create Trigger Wizard guides you through the process of creating of a new table trigger.

The basic principles of Create Object Wizards in Firebird Maestro are explained in a separate topic. Below you will find a description of wizard steps that are unique for the current object.


Specifying trigger properties

In Firebird 1.5 and higher triggers are enhanced to enable them to handle multiple row-level operations conditionally


To define a new trigger, you need to set its.



This field contains a comment to the table trigger.





If checked, it is specified that a trigger action takes effect when fired.



Specifies the table operation that causes the trigger to fire.




Specifies that the trigger fires before the associated operation takes place.


Specifies that the trigger fires after the associated operation takes place.



Specifies firing order for triggers before the same action or after the same action; the number must be an integer between 0 and 32,767, inclusive. Lower-number triggers fire first.


Specifying trigger definition

Here you can specify the trigger definition. Specify the trigger steps to be executed when the trigger fires. The step is optional: you can do it later using a non-modal editor.

For example, for the table Employee it is possible to create after update save salary change trigger with the following definition:





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