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Stephen Arrowel, Database Administrator: "We are in the process of implementing Firebird solutions at multiple levels in our international organization. We expect that SQL Maestro Group will do nothing short of revolutionize the way we develop and maintain our Firebird databases. The continuous improvement and development means that the product is extremely flexible and will grow with us. The service and responsiveness of the Support Team has been exceptional. They have devoted countless hours to understanding our needs, so that we could get a Firebird administration tool which would be so simple and effective in use. SQL Maestro Group is helping Sytrax sail into the 21st Century".
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Duplicate Selected Object

Within the Duplicate Object window you can duplicate a selected object fast and with some modifications.


It is available from the corresponding link of the object's popup menu at the Database Explorer.




Select the database for a new object from the list of connected databases first.


Enter the name for the new object.

Note: the name of the object must be unique among all the object names in its container. Moreover, all the objects that are source of data need unique names among themselves. You can use any identifier that is allowed by Firebird server.

You can also edit the SQL definition of the object if necessary (add or remove fields, change field types, etc.).

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