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SQL Maestro Group / Products / DB2 / News / Data Wizard product family updated to version 9.12

Data Wizard product family advanced to version 9.12

Dec 1, 2009

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Data Wizard 9.12, a toolset of powerful utilities for managing your data. There are versions for MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, Firebird, DB2, SQL Anywhere and MaxDB.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Data Import features:

  • Now you can import data from Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Access 2007 file formats along with Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003, Microsoft Office Access, CSV, DBF, and Text files supported in the previous versions.
  • Starting with this version you can import Text and CSV data files stored in different encodings.
  • Now it is possible to empty target tables as well as execute custom SQL scripts before and after the import.
  • An ability of using bulk-loading commands has been implemented (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle). This feature can speed up the import process up to 10 times so it is recommended to use it always if possible.
  • The wizard has been completely redesigned to improve the look and feel and increase the usability.

Data Export features:

  • Support for Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2007, OpenDocument Spreadsheed, and OpenDocument Text file formats has been implemented.
  • Now you can select the result file encoding (ANSI, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32, OEM, and Mac).
  • The wizard also has been completely rewritten to improve the look and feel and increase the usability.

Datapump features:

  • The conversion rules for fields and indexes become more intelligent, so starting with this version most of source databases from well-known DBMS can be transferred even with default settings (or with a small customization). Also the speed of data transfer has been significantly increased.

PHP Generator features:

  • PHP Generator Wizard comes with a lot of new features including master-detail presentations, advanced picture management, custom formatting, client-side validators, data display partitioning, event-driven content management, export to Excel/Word/XML/PDF and a lot of other things.

    With all these features we decided to dedicate this wizard to a separate software product that should be officially released in a couple of weeks (however you can take a look at a demo website and see new features in action right now).

    New product will be available in Freeware and Professional editions. All the users who have a valid license for Data Wizard will be able to get the Professional edition for free of charge.

DBMS-related features:

  • Starting with this version it is possible to connect to a remote server via SSH tunnel using a key-based authentication (in addition to the password-based authentication supported in the previous versions). To establish a remote connection in this way, you have to provide a private key (either in or OpenSSH formats) and (optionally) a passphrase.

    This version also introduces support for both SSH-1 and SSH-2 protocols (whereas all the previous versions supported only SSH-1).

Other new features:

  • An Italian localization is now included into the installation package.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made. For more information about a specific tool see the appropriate page:

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