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Data formats

Use the window fields to indicate format masks of the source data imported to the table. It allows the application to import data correctly.


The components of the date time format mask are represented at the window. Compose your date, time, and date time format mask of this components and separators. The following table contains some types of input fields and suggests masks to import them.


To import these input data correctly

Use these format masks

June 29

mmm dd

Jun 29, 2009

mmmm dd, yyyy

Tue Jun 14 16:50:49

ddd mmm dd hh:nn:ss

01/15/09 08:26 AM

mm/dd/yy h:nn ampm


You can also set decimal and thousand separators, and custom NULL,TRUE and FALSE values. If you have several values to be imported to NULL(TRUE, FALSE) value, use semicolons to separate them.


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