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DB2 Code Factory online Help
Editing as PDF document
The PDF panel presents field data as PDF document. To accomplish common operations with data, use the Adobe Reader toolbar.
Apr 10, 2017
New version features colored tabs, new encryption algorithms in data grids, enhanced data input forms, updated data export/import tools and a lot of other useful things.
Sep 20, 2013
New version comes with keyboard interactive SSH authentication, updated Script Runner, redesigned start page, improved SQL editors and data grids, as well as with many other useful things.
Mar 5, 2012
New version introduces Unicode support in editors, updated code folding appearance, viewing BLOB data as PDF, data import from ODBC data source, Spanish translation and a lot of other new features.
The article shows how to implement an AJAX-based one-click editor for a logical column.
This article begins a series of step-by-step tutorials on how we made the NBA demo. It explains how to add new items to the menu, implement run-time theme selection, and tweak the login form.
The article illustrates how to use various chart libraries with PHP Generator.
Feature of the day
DB2 Code Factory allows you to execute each query in a separate thread in order to continue your work with the software while the query is executing.
With DB2 Code Factory you can import data from Excel, CSV, text files and more.