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Steve Naidamast: "I just downloaded your new offering of AnySQL Maestro. What a nice product. I was immediately able to connect to an Access database to review the data.

I have already purchased from you your Oracle Maestro as well as your SQLite Maestro.

I am curious as to why you have decided to release such a nice product as Freeware...

Keep up the excellent work".
Ingo Bindbeutel: "I did buy Firebird Maestro before, because it is an excellent application and does a very very good work for me! I tried AnySQL and I did buy it, because it's a wonderful application too! Both are similar to use and easy to work with it! I am impressed by the quality and stability of the product! To all members of the SQL Maestro - Team: "keep going this way and make many people happy in using your software!" Thank you for making my life easier and my work productive".


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SQL Formatter

AnySQL Maestro provides you with SQL Formatter for DML statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE). It can be invoked through the Format SQL link on the SQL Editor's navigation bar (Ctrl+Alt+D shortcut).


The following options allows you to tune up SQL scripts according to your preferences.

Cases (for keywords, functions, and identifiers);
Format type and column length for INSERT/UPDATE, and SELECT statements;
AND and OR operators format.

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