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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / SQLite Maestro 6.12

SQLite Maestro 6.12 released

Dec 10, 2006

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of a new version of SQLite Maestro, a powerful Windows GUI solution for SQLite server administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in SQLite Maestro 6.12 since last official release:

Server management extensions:

  • None in this version.

Interface improvements:
  • The tabbed interface is implemented in addition to classic MDI (see screenshot). You can choose your favorite UI in the Options dialog;

    Here is a list of some tabbed interface features:

    • you can drag-n-drop tabs to change their order;

    • you can close the current tab pressing the mouse wheel (or the middle mouse button);

    • you can drag-n-drop database objects or selected text between tabs e.g. drag-n-drop a field from a table to another table or select a text at the SQL page of an Object Editor and drag-n-drop it to the SQL Editor;

    • each tab has a popup menu, which allows you to close current tab, close all tabs or close all the tab except selected one (close other tabs).

  • SQL Script Editor: if a user opens a file larger than 100K, SQLite Maestro will suggest him to execute the script file without opening it in the editor. Of course it is also possible to execute any script file using this way: just press the "Execute script from file" link on the Script Editor navigation bar and specify the filename;

  • Create profiles wizard: we've added an option for converting new object names to lower/upper case;

  • Data grid: the speed of data loading was significantly increased.

In addition to this, several bugs were fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections were made.

Related links:

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