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Philipp Gerber: "

The product is so easy and super built that you can achieve visible and great success after a short time. Also very much possible with the product. A class product. I'm already looking forward to the next versions and extensions. Keep it up.

Support to the product is just perfect. Each Support request is quickly and very competent solved. Also various assistance, which does not fall into a support, are also perfectly processed. There is a direct wire to the manufacturer / developer and this is notth. Thanks for the class Support".

Mario Figueiredo: "I can safely forget all I know about SQL when using SQLite Maestro. It is that easy and intuitive to use. It is also nicely drawn with an easy and appealing interface that makes the sometimes boring tasks of database maintenance and administration more endurable.
The decision to support the non-commercial use of your software with a lower price is absolutely worth mentioning. For that alone, I thank you. For everything else, I say keep up the good work".


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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PHP Generator for MySQL review has been published

PHP Generator for MySQL review has been published

Dec 4, 2009

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Ben Carigtan, a blogger at Help Desk Geek, posted a review of PHP Generator for MySQL. Here is a quotation:

"PHP Generator for MySQL provides users with a set of clear-cut wizard steps, so it really does not require a deep knowledge of MySQL from its users. Users will hardly come across any difficulties when following wizard precise directions. ... With PHP Generator for MySQL you will have a very professional web database application ready for uploading to your website. It has all the powerful features you would expect from a professional database application: data navigation, sorting, advanced filtering, modification, addition and deletion."

Read full review.

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