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Dave Lantz: "I have to say that I simple love this product and its ease of use. I know that I have only tapped into about 20% of what it can do. In my business I come into a lot of contact with developers and I tell them all, that if they need an easy way to connect, report or work their databases they MUST check out your products".
Armin Braunstein: "Also I must say, that your PostgreSQL Maestro tool is the best tool for PostgreSQL I have seen. For general I am really happy about the tool and how it works".


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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / PHP Generator for MySQL is used in educational process

PHP Generator for MySQL is being used in university educational process

Mar 26, 2009

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It was a pleasure for us to find that PHP Generator for MySQL has been entered to curriculum materials of Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia).

Swinburne has a strong reputation in Australia and overseas as a provider of career orientated education and as a university with a commitment to research. It is ranked in Australian's top 5 universities.

The program is used in Web programming course of Computing and Information Technology direction.

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