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Jeff Rule: "I have to tell you I am really impressed. I have never had a software company turn around a bug fix like this so fast. I have been doing database work for over 20 years and that has never happened.".
Johnattan Badden, Manager: "The software is easy to work with and most importantly, report management is extremely easy, even for a novice like me! I am able to create and edit my databases with a few clicks and easily maintain them afterwards. I highly recommend SQLite Maestro to educational institutions: it's easy and flexible, it is exactly what can be good for using in schools and colleges".


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Company news

May 5, 2021
SQLite Maestro 21.5 released
New version introduces new database encryption algorithms, support for generated columns, support for renaming and dropping columns using ALTER TABLE statement, and some other enhancements.
Feb 12, 2021
PHP Generator released
A new version comes with PHP 8.0 support, inline View forms, updated CheckBox Group editor, on-the-fly adding of new items to multi choice controls and other useful improvements.
Oct 14, 2020
PostgreSQL Tools Family upgraded
All products of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 13 compatibility.
Sep 10, 2020
PHP Generator released
A new minor version features the possibility to customize headers and footers of 'Registration', 'Resend verification' and 'Password recovery' pages, revised OnAddEnvironmentVariables event, default values is Cascading Combobox editors and more.
May 18, 2020
PHP Generators 20.5 released
New version features support of tabbed forms, a variety of new Google charts, new and significantly updated editors, a lot of security-related enhancements including Google ReCAPTCHa, ability to verify an entered password strength and more, totals for calculated columns, a number of GUI improvements, and many other useful things.
Oct 18, 2019
PostgreSQL Maestro 19.10 released
New version comes with PostgreSQL 12 compatibility, introduces support for stored generated columns, using of planner support functions in functions and some other enhancements.
Aug 8, 2019
Firebird Maestro 19.8 released
New version comes with support for PSQL stored functions, external procedures and functions, DDL privileges, new user properties and a number of other Firebird 3 features, updated SSH client equipped with more secure key exchange algorithms, database profile usage statistics and other enhancements.
Apr 18, 2019
ASA Maestro 19.4 released
New version introduces SQL Anywhere 17 compatibility, colored tabs, new encryption algorithms in data grids, updated BLOB Editor, database profile usage statistics and a lot of other useful things.
Dec 20, 2018
PostgreSQL Maestro 18.12 released
New version comes with PostgreSQL 11 compatibility, introduces support for hash-partitioned tables, procedures and a number of other PostgreSQL 11 new features, updated SSH client equipped with more secure key exchange algorithms, new wizard for database restoring from backup source and some other enhancements.
Aug 16, 2018
PHP Generator released
A new minor version features displaying records of lookup data sources in the popup window, a possibility of providing separate styles for the printer-friendly version and export to PDF, a number of performance-related improvements and some other useful things.
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