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Dionys Henzen: "Congratulations! Your MySQL PHP Generator is a great tool, that can save a lot of time and money to a developer! I'll evaluate for sure your software products when I need them. Great job".
Andrey Bistriy: "In our daily business we face the database management and refactoring. We were pleasantly surprised to discover SQL Maestro. After trying it out we started to use it on a regular basis".


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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news

Company news

Mar 20, 2024
Data Syncs have been upgraded
New version comes with support of all the modern database server versions available at the moment.
Feb 6, 2024
Firebird Maestro 24.2 released
New version comes with Firebird 5.0 compatibility, support for partial indexes, Firebird 5.0 embedded server, upgraded SSH client equipped with more secure key exchange algorithms and some other useful things.
Sep 20, 2023
PostgreSQL Tools Family upgraded
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 16 compatibility.
Jul 7, 2023
MS SQL Server Tools Family upgraded
All software of our Microsoft SQL Server family come now with SQL Server 2022 compatibility.
May 18, 2023
DB2 Maestro 23.5 released
New version comes with colored tabs, new encryption algorithms in data grids, updated BLOB Editor, database profile usage statistics and a lot of other useful things.
Mar 3, 2023
Database Converters have been updated
New version comes with support of all the modern database server versions available at the moment.
Oct 18, 2022
PostgreSQL Tools Family upgraded
All software of our PostgreSQL family come now with PostgreSQL 15 compatibility.
Aug 23, 2022
PHP Generator 22.8 released
New version introduces toggles, one- and two-dimensional barcodes, enhanced lookups sort order, changing page data sources, PHP 8.1 support, editor hints, and other useful things.
Dec 15, 2021
PostgreSQL Maestro 21.12 released
New version comes with PostgreSQL 14 compatibility, introduces support for new multirange data types, SSL connections, optimized partition management and some other enhancements.
Jul 28, 2021
Firebird Maestro 21.7 released
New version comes with Firebird 4.0 compatibility, support for new data types, enhanced system privileges, SQL security feature, granting a role to another role, extensions for the IDENTITY type and some other new Firebird 4.0 features.
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