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Grey: "We're a two-person company, it's just me an my wife. I'm the technical guru, and she handles the business operations. I have to know a lot about MySQL, but that's much too technical for her. I have frequently had to setup CGI scripts (I code in Perl) so she can manage some of our tables (suppliers, manufacturers, etc).

I discovered PHP Generator a couple of days ago, tried the free version,and within a few hours I had purchased the Pro version (as well as SQL Maestro for MySQL).

Today I am completing the conversion of the last of my custom table managers to PHP Generator. This is eliminating several thousand lines of code that I don't have to support any more!

Thanks for this fantastic product".

Mike Little: "Great product, thank you for your great work and sharing".


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Company news

May 16, 2011
DB2 Maestro 11.5 released
Completely redesigned Data Export and Data Import wizards, improved database profile management, updated OLAP viewer and a lot of other improvements.
Apr 18, 2011
PHP Generators are updated to version 11.4
Support for multi-level auto-complete editors, editing data within modal dialogs, improved client side validation and a lot of other useful things.
Mar 9, 2011
SQLite Maestro 11.3 released
New version comes with support for full-text search extensions, data import from ODBC data sources, and other useful things.
Feb 16, 2011
Firebird Maestro 11.2 released
New version features support for a lot of Firebird 2.5 and Firebird 2.1 new features, tools to generate CRUD stored procedures and updatable views, enhanced Dependency Tracker, and other useful things.
Jan 17, 2011
Data Wizards are updated to version 11.1
New version provides data import from any database accessible via ODBC driver or OLE DB provider, the insert-or-update data import mode, advanced Data Pump abilities, and some other new features.
Dec 1, 2010
PostgreSQL Maestro 10.12 released
Support for a number of PostgreSQL 9.0 new features, DML stored procedure generator, database connection checker and a lot of other useful things.
Nov 22, 2010
MS SQL Maestro 10.11 released
Support for SQL Server 11 (Denali), DML stored procedure generator, insert-or-update data import mode, updated Data Analysis tool, and other improvements.
Nov 16, 2010
Another article on PHP Generator has been published
The article covers how to provide a new application created by PHP Generator with look and feel of an existing website.
Oct 21, 2010
Oracle Maestro 10.10 released
New version features the database connection checker, advanced profile management tools, batch uploading files as BLOBs, and a lot of other useful things.
Oct 20, 2010
A new article on PHP Generator has been published
The article presents a step-by-step explanation of a third-party library use in the script created by PHP Generator.
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