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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / MS SQL Maestro 7.10 released

MS SQL Maestro 7.10 released

Oct 16, 2007

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of MS SQL Maestro 7.10, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Microsoft SQL Server administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Server management extensions:
  • Now it is possible to cancel a long-running query execution (SQL Server 2005) and/or data fetching (all SQL Server versions).

  • This version has been successfully tested with SQL Server 2008 July CTP.

  • The Backup Database tool has been implemented (Main Menu | Tools | Backup Database). You can back up a whole database, files and file groups, transaction logs, etc. It is possible to execute the result command immediately or create a scheduled job. Also the Show Contents command has been added to the backup device popup menu.

  • Attach and Detach wizards are now available in the Database menu.

  • SQL Script Editor: the results of the PRINT statements are now captured in the message window.

  • Job Editor: the History tab is added. Now you can see the results of the job execution including individual steps as well as purge the execution history. Also now you can start and stop a job using its popup menu.

Interface improvements:
  • The SQL Formatter for DML statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) is fulfilled. It can be invoked with the aid of the Format SQL link on the SQL Editor's navigation bar (Ctrl+Alt+D shortcut).

  • Data Grid: Unicode data are now displayed rightly.

  • Database Designer: now you can drag a schema in the Explorer tree or Object Browser and drop it in the Designer window: all schema tables will be added to the current diagram. Also we have implemented the Note and Text tools to decorate the diagrams.

  • It is now possible to execute SQL scripts after connect and before disconnect to/from a database.

  • Now our software displays execution time for lengthy operations.

  • BLOB Viewer: it is now possible to save all BLOBs from a table to a given directory.

  • Data Import Wizard: the speed of loading of Excel files has been significantly increased.

Important fixes:
  • SQL Server 2005: foreign keys are now recognized correctly even if parent and child tables are located in the different schemas.

  • SQL Server 2000 SP3: from time to time some table indexes had not been displayed. It is fixed now.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

Related links:

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