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SQL Maestro Group / News / All company news / MaxDB Maestro 7.10 released

MaxDB Maestro 7.10 released

Oct 23, 2007

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SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of MaxDB Maestro 7.10, a powerful Windows GUI solution for MaxDB Server administration and database development.

Please consider the list of new features implemented in this version since the last official release:

Server management extensions:
  • None in this version.

Interface improvements:
  • Data Grid: Unicode data are now displayed correctly (for Unicode-enabled databases). To use the Unicode driver, turn on the corresponding option in the Create Database Profiles wizard or Edit Database Profile dialog window.

  • The SQL Formatter for DML statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) is fulfilled. It can be invoked with the aid of the Format SQL link on the SQL Editor's navigation bar (Ctrl+Alt+D shortcut).

  • Database Designer has been improved. Following features have been added:

    • a possibility of locking/unlocking diagram objects is added. This feature prevents your diagram from unforeseen changes: when the diagram is locked, you can neither move/resize/delete existing objects nor add new ones.

    • now you can drag a schema in the Explorer tree or Object Browser and drop it in the Designer window: all schema tables will be added to the current diagram. Also we have implemented the Note and Text tools to decorate the diagrams.

  • Some new features are incorporated into SQL Editor and SQL Script Editor. Now it is possible:

    • comment/uncomment selected text (Shift+Ctrl+. / Shift+Ctrl+, shortcuts respectively). If no text is selected, the whole line will be commented. By the way, it is not necessary to select commented text to uncomment it, just press Shift+Ctrl+, having the cursor inside the commented text. Both kinds of comments (single-line and multi-line) are supported;

    • convert selected text to different cases (lower, UPPER, and NameCase);

    • export the contents of the editor to RTF and HTML formats (to file or to clipboard);

    • print/preview the contents of the editor.

  • The Copy to SQL Script Editor command is added to all object editors (available in the Navigation Bar on the SQL tab). Use it for quick copying object’s SQL definition (DDL) to the SQL Script Editor for future modifications;

  • Explorer tree: the Browse command is added to lists' popup menus (runs the Object Browser tool).

  • It is now possible to execute SQL scripts after connect and before disconnect to/from a database.

  • Now our software displays execution time for lengthy operations.

  • BLOB Viewer: it is now possible to save all BLOBs from a table to a given directory.

  • Data Import Wizard: the speed of loading of Excel files has been significantly increased.

In addition to this, several bugs have been fixed and some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.

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