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Simon Greener: "A lot of work went in to designing our application database. PHP Generator allowed us to build a fully functional, professional looking, and functionally powerful web application from that database. It has freed us from worrying about low level code, enabling us to focus on the business requirements of the customer. The support provided is excellent with staff quickly producing answers to questions ranging from newbie to simple or complex. I highly recommend the product".
Olivier Auverlot: "At my work (a universitary computer research laboratory), I'm alone to create all applications and databases. I don't know how I could do all the work without it. It's really a very productive software. I can focus on the database schemas and create quickly the user applications with a minimal amount of code to maintain".


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PostgreSQL PHP Generator news

Jun 18, 2015
PHP Generator NBA Demo updated
The new version comes with actual data, provides live examples for some common user questions, and explains some new features added in the latest versions of the software.
Jun 10, 2015
PHP Generator released
Next point release presents a new Multiple Select control, updated AutoComplete and Multi-level AutoComplete editors, enhanced Lightbox component and other useful things.
Dec 12, 2014
A new PHP Generator demo is uploaded
This is MySQL Schema Browser: an application to investigate the structure of your MySQL databases.
Dec 11, 2014
PHP Generator released
A new minor version features a couple of new server-side events, built-in support of HTML5 audio player, updated controls, and some other things.
Oct 24, 2014
PHP Generators advanced to version 14.10
Long-awaited major version introduces new and updated controls, powerful JavaScript API, enhanced customization features, user-defined authorization, new application level events, multi-group menus and lots of other useful things.
Feb 21, 2014
PHP Generator released
A new minor version comes with MySQLi based HTTP tunnel, automatic detection of query key columns, extended editors API, and some other things.
Jun 14, 2013
PHP Generator Changelog has been published
We have uploaded a detailed history of product changes made in minor versions.
Jun 3, 2013
List of websites created with PHP Generator has been published
We have published a list of some active web applications built with our software. Hope this will help you to learn more about PHP Generator features and possibilities.
May 16, 2013
A new article on PHP Generator has been published
The article shows how to add various kinds of charts to pages produced by the software.
Oct 10, 2012
A new article on PHP Generator has been published
The article shows how to supply the generated pages with look and feel of an existing website using the version 12.8 of PHP Generator.
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