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Carl Schammel: "I have been in search of a software product that was rich in features and easy for using, but was unable to find one until I came upon Firebird Maestro. Not only does it have all-inclusive integrated functionality, but SQL Maestro Group have provided me with superior support. I now have the management tools at my hand that I have been looking for".
Stephen Arrowel, Database Administrator: "We are in the process of implementing Firebird solutions at multiple levels in our international organization. We expect that SQL Maestro Group will do nothing short of revolutionize the way we develop and maintain our Firebird databases. The continuous improvement and development means that the product is extremely flexible and will grow with us. The service and responsiveness of the Support Team has been exceptional. They have devoted countless hours to understanding our needs, so that we could get a Firebird administration tool which would be so simple and effective in use. SQL Maestro Group is helping Sytrax sail into the 21st Century".


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Firebird Family news

Mar 16, 2015
Data Syncs advanced to version 15.3
New version features an ability to select or disable certain synchronization operations, executing SQL scripts before and after processing each table, a brand new start page, connectivity enhancements, and some other useful things.
Dec 12, 2014
A new PHP Generator demo is uploaded
This is MySQL Schema Browser: an application to investigate the structure of your MySQL databases.
Dec 11, 2014
PHP Generator released
A new minor version features a couple of new server-side events, built-in support of HTML5 audio player, updated controls, and some other things.
Oct 24, 2014
PHP Generators advanced to version 14.10
Long-awaited major version introduces new and updated controls, powerful JavaScript API, enhanced customization features, user-defined authorization, new application level events, multi-group menus and lots of other useful things.
Feb 21, 2014
PHP Generator released
A new minor version comes with MySQLi based HTTP tunnel, automatic detection of query key columns, extended editors API, and some other things.
Jan 3, 2014
Firebird Maestro 14.1 released
New version introduces support for some Firebird 3.0 new features, updated SQL Dump wizard, nullable column checker, data export to JSON, and a lot of other useful things.
Dec 6, 2013
Data Wizards advanced to version 13.12
New version features updated Data Import and SQL Dump tools, data export to JSON format, redesigned Start Page, and some other useful things.
Sep 20, 2013
Code Factories are updated to version 13.9
New version comes with keyboard interactive SSH authentication, updated Script Runner, redesigned start page, improved SQL editors and data grids, as well as with many other useful things.
Jun 14, 2013
PHP Generator Changelog has been published
We have uploaded a detailed history of product changes made in minor versions.
Jun 3, 2013
List of websites created with PHP Generator has been published
We have published a list of some active web applications built with our software. Hope this will help you to learn more about PHP Generator features and possibilities.
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